Best indie steam games for mac
Best indie steam games for mac

best indie steam games for mac

If your game performs well on other platforms then it could certainly do well on Kongregate.

best indie steam games for mac


They offer opportunities for indie developers wanting to publish PC and mobile games and go into more detail about this on their Kongregate Developers site and via their platform documentation. Kongregate is a solid video game publishing platform which boasts having over 100k web games uploaded, 15 million active players and 100 million game downloads. Humble Widget – has the same 95% revenue split and enables you to sell your game through your own site directly.


Here hosting is free and you get 95% of the revenues after tax and processing fees.

  • Humble Gamepage - enables you to create your own webpage to sell your game through.
  • Having said this, Humble offer other options: see their Humble Bundle Development Resources: If you publish your game this way, you are effectively releasing your game through the Humble Store. The revenue split is fairly generous at 75/15 then the remaining 10% goes to charity. This is the Humble Bundle publishing page. It’s free to submit games and once you’ve done so, the Humble Bundle team will review it and let you know whether it’s been accepted or rejected. Humble Bundle claims to have 12 million customers and as such, is a decent platform to release your game on. This could be really useful for you and if you opt for this your revenue split shifts to 60/40. The revenue split is 70/30 but there is an option for an advance on your royalties which can help fund the completion of your game. Rejections are common as Gog only accept a few games each month. However, it is not always easy to get your game accepted. There is no submission fee for games and for those that get accepted, provides a extensive promotion and marketing, including a prominent feature on their website. It originally launched in 2008 as Good Old Games and is known for it’s DRM-free video games and films. is a well-established digital distribution platform for video games and films. If you decide to support and buy other games from your Wallet, you won’t get charged any processing fees.Ĭheck out the Game Jolt marketplace here. The money you make initially goes into a Game Jolt Wallet. 30% of ad revenues generated from your game page also go to you. Just create an account, add your game, set your price and off you go! The revenue split is up to you as long as you give 10% or less to Game Jolt. It’s easy to get your game up on Game Jolt and it’s free to do. To get started you’ll need to create an account and then a custom landing page to showcase your game. Buyers can ‘pay what they want’ and you can also set a minimum price for your game. You have complete control over your product page, what price you set for the game and you can adjust the revenue split that you share with from 10 to 30% or even 0% if you wish. It’s free to publish your games here and as the seller you have quite a lot of control over what happens. Itch is an excellent platform for indie game developers. Here is the Steamworks Documentation that you’ll need to read and go through in order to complete the process. There is a submission fee of $100 per product, which is recoupable after your product/game has made $1000 from the steam store. You will need to publish your game through Steam Direct and by joining their Steamworks Distribution program. If you want your game to be in the big leagues, this is where it needs to be. They’re the ‘ultimate entertainment platform’ with over 100 million people in their community. Steam offers the largest and most well established PC distribution service around. In the meantime, here are 11 places you may want to be aware of and explore further as options for publishing your game:

    best indie steam games for mac

    You may also want to explore my main game development/game music blog homepage which highlights many more articles to help you with different aspects of your game development journey. I definitely can’t solve them all, but my hope is that in sharing what I’ve learnt and discovered on this topic, it may help to alleviate some of your pain and thus enable you to focus on the areas which give you the most enjoyment and satisfaction through the game development journey and process. I have worked with many and I have some understanding of the many challenges that you face. I’m no game developer and so I can’t offer you much help with the ins and outs of it all but I am a game music composer with great enthusiasm and respect for indie game developers. Maybe you’ve done it before, maybe you haven’t – but the aim of this article is to try and offer a little bit of help in laying out what the main options are and could be for you. Knowing which route to take and which platform to use to distribute your game to the world can be challenging.

    Best indie steam games for mac